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My story

I have a degree in surface design from the London College of Communication UAL in London where I lived for 13 years.
I always liked prints and patterns and when I returned to Brazil with my family I soon started working in this area, creating prints for the women's and children's fashion market.
I needed to understand the industry's production processes to gain more knowledge and feel more qualified, so I went to work with Santaconstancia in the creative department, which for me was an excelent opportinuty to learn! There are things that we only learn in practice!

To make a long story short, I have been working in the creative field here in Brazil since 2007 and I work for several market segments, but all of them have textiles as a common substrate.
I felt  that I could add years of experience and creative work together with people and companies that I got to know along the way, and offer a differentiated service focused on the children's fashion market.
This segment has peculiarities that make it less atractive for the big companies production process of large demand printed fabrics. But I have been able to chage that for my customers.

The minimum order that we are be able to do is 50 meters per print design, starting with one exclusive design, how great is that ?!
There's a good variety of fabrics available, which extend beyond the 100% cotton tricoline.

Let me know what you are going to do for your next collection ...

All prints are protected by copyright.

We are a family owned and operated business.

For collaborations and partnerships contact us

Please do not copy and contribute so that artists and illustrators have their rights guaranteed.

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We are a family owned and operated business.

Juliana Pelegrinello - CNPJ: 23.310.358 / 0001-16 - R. miguel Ribeiro 333- São Paulo, SP 04436-020 - Telephone: (11) 976394631

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